Question your relationship with clothing through joyful action.
Tired of your wardrobe? Upset with how much food you've been wasting? Marry the two uncertainties to create something new and loved. This guide will teach you how to dye clothing using pigments found in the kitchen. Through this, you’ll discover a childlike curiosity for clothing without disregarding the serious nature of craft.
45 Pages
PDF Digital Download
Published May 7th 2023
New York, NY
04 - 05 Honoring the Preloved
08 - 09 Embracing Irregularity
12 - 13 Ingredients
14 - 19 How to Dye with Black Tea
20 - 25 How to Dye with Onion Skin and Turmeric
26 - 31 How to Dye with Red Cabbage
36 - 38 Binders and Mordants
39 - 40 Controlling pH Balance
40 - 42 Pigment Index
43 - 44 History of Botanical Dyes
How will this be delivered?
You will immediately be able to download our guide once purchased. After checking out, an order confirmation screen will appear. This page will house a hyperlinked button with your download. Click the button, and you're ready to dye.
Do I need to follow these recipes exactly?
Absolutely not! This is a loose guide to spur your ingenuity. Botanical pigments are fluid, which can be accepted as either finicky or beautiful. No two dye jobs will ever be the same, so use this to your advantage. Just make sure you are using enough plant matter and that your dye bath is rich enough in pigment.
What should I do if I mess up?
The wonderful thing about plant based dyes, is that there is no perfect dye job. Do not fear messing up your garment as you can always pivot: execute another dip, layer on another color, add some eco-prints. The options are endless, and the flexibility of natural dyes is their superpower. If you are still weary of ruining your favorite garment, start small. Test some swatches, fabric, or a less cherished item first.
What if I can't afford the download?
Check out our blog post and accompanying video! It gives you a rough idea regarding the basic steps. If you want more in depth steps, shoot us an email! We would be happy to share our booklet there.

Read more about our Kitchen Sink Dye Guide and watch the accompanied short.
Pictured left: red cabbage, center: black tea, right: onion and turmeric